Today’s Hurricane Tip of the Day: Remember Your First Responders’ Numbers


Emergencies can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time, and may be caused by natural events such as a hurricane or human action.

Place emergency contact information in an easily accessible location for all family members such as on the refrigerator, and ensure your children know the numbers.

Remember, to Save First Responders contacts on your phone, so it’s easily accessible in an emergency.

The Hurricane Season is here and experts are predicting above-normal hurricane activity this year.


Here are a few steps to help you get ready:

1. Create an Emergency Plan: Ensure your family knows what to do and where to go in an emergency.

2. Build an Emergency Kit: Stock up on essentials like water, non-perishable food, medications, and important documents.

3. Stay Informed: Keep track of weather updates and heed any advice from local authorities.

4. Secure Your Home: Check for any potential hazards and secure outdoor items that could become projectiles in strong winds.

Be Prepared, Stay Prepared, It Only Takes One!

NOAA/NHC 2024 Hurricane Outlook - Climate Impact Company


The Government of Montserrat is donating one hundred thousand dollars (EC$100,000.00) to the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) to assist islands impacted by Hurricane Beryl.

Premier of Montserrat, Honourable Joseph Farrell said the decision was made during the Thursday, July 4th meeting of Cabinet.

He further explained that the government thought it prudent to make a cash donation, through CDEMA, as CDEMA is the region’s central agency for disaster relief.

Premier Farrell added that the government is also in talks with the Director of the Disaster Management Coordination Agency (DMCA), Lieutenant Colonel Alvin Ryan to determine if there are available personnel to be deployed to the affected islands. He further noted that all CARICOM leaders have been in contact with each other, and an emergency CARICOM meeting was held early last week about the situation in the Grenadines, and Barbados.

Premier was among Caribbean leaders to receive briefings from heads of the affected islands on the damages that occurred and the vital supplies, that are, required for the recovery process.

Premier Farrell expressed empathy on behalf of the government and the people of Montserrat to the people of the islands impacted by Hurricane Beryl.

He is urging residents of Montserrat to ensure plans are in place for the hurricane season and has cautioned persons to avoid becoming complacent during the hurricane season.

Photos: CDEMA – Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency

Here’s the Montserrat Volcano Observatory (MVO) Weekly Volcanic Report for the period Friday, 14 June to Friday, 21 June 2024.

Activity at the Soufriere Hills Volcano remains low.

The seismic network detected 14 Volcano-Tectonic earthquakes, 12 Hybrid earthquakes, one Long-Period earthquake, and four Rockfalls. The Long-Period and Hybrid earthquakes, and the two Volcano-tectonic earthquakes, occurred in a 20-hour-long swarm on 16 and 17 June 2024.

According to the MVO Director Dr Graham Ryan, while this is the highest rate of Hybrid and Long Period activity seen since a swarm in August 2012, it is still very low. Furthermore, we do not see any significant variations in any of our other monitoring data to suggest an imminent change in volcanic activity is likely.

Screenshot of the Air Quality on Montserrat at 7:57 this morning measured by the PurpleAir Quality sensors installed across the island.

The data on the PurpleAir map for informational purposes only shows that Plymouth has moderate air quality this morning, due to particulate matter 2.5 associated with the Saharan Dust.

Sandminers, Tour Operators, tourists and other members of the public, should wear a mask and protective eyewear when entering Plymouth.

Any masks that filter small particles should be worn such as a surgical mask, N95 and KN95.

Hazy conditions continue across Montserrat this evening with mild to moderate concentrations of Saharan Dust over some parts of the island.

The following data provided by the PurpleAir Quality sensors installed across the island is for informational purposes only.

It shows that Plymouth and Salem have moderate air quality, due to particulate matter 2.5 associated with the Saharan Dust; individuals affected by this change in air quality should take the necessary precautions.

Today, on “World Environment Day”, the Disaster Management Coordination Agency (DMCA) is using the opportunity to emphasize the importance of safeguarding our Environment for Disaster Risk Reduction.

Montserrat is prone to various natural events like flash floods, drought, tropical cyclones, earthquakes, landslides, forest fires, pest attacks, epidemics, and environmental degradation, including climate change, land-use changes and natural resource degradation, which are aggravating disaster occurrences and impacts.

Let us commit to protecting and preserving our environment for our future generations.

WorldEnvironmentDay #ProtectOurPlanet