Synopsis: Strong gusty winds, due to the forecast tightening of the pressure gradient, are expected. The direct wind threat level will be minimal to life, livelihood, property and infrastructure; notwithstanding, these winds could make some outdoor activities uncomfortable, if not outright dangerous. High winds could create dangerous falling or blowing objects. A high wind advisory means strong sustained winds in the range of 25 to 31 mph, 22 to 27 knots with higher gusts imminent or occurring.
Wind: East-northeast at 15 to 25 knots; 17 to 29 mph, with strong gusts to 39 knots; 44 mph. The strongest winds are expected on Wednesday.
Potential impacts: Includes injuries; very hazardous seas; soil erosion; localized disruptions of some businesses; disruptions to outdoor and sporting activities; disruptions of transportation (air and especially sea); vehicular accidents and financial losses.
Caution: Residents should secure loose, light outdoor items, which can be blown away, and caution should be taken when driving.