Happy International Volunteer Day – DMCA Salutes and Thanks Captain Johnny for his unwavering support!

The Disaster Management Coordination Agency, DMCA would like to recognize and thank Captain John Howes, also known as Captain Johnny for providing the daily marine weather forecasts for the Disaster Management Coordination Agency (DMCA) for the past several years on a purely voluntary basis.

The marine forecast provides critical information for fishers’, captains, adventurers, boaters and surfers and the reported measurements are taken about one mile off the Northeastern end of Montserrat.

Captain Johnny is always readily available to explain weather terminologies or to provide more insights on the geographical location of varying weather systems when called upon to ensure information is disseminated to the public accurately and in a timely manner.

Captain Johnny is always readily available to explain weather terminologies or to provide more insights on the geographical location of varying weather systems when called upon to ensure information is disseminated to the public accurately and in a timely manner.

Captain Johnny, you are a valued member of the DMCA’S education and outreach team.

The DMCA looks forward to your ongoing contribution and a bright successful future together.

Thank you again, Captain Johnny.

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